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- Clearance Rate Dashboard
Clearance Rate Dashboard
The clearance rate is an indicator of whether a court is "keeping up" with its incoming caseload. The rate is determined by dividing the total number of cases disposed by the total number of cases filed during a specific time period. For example, if a court received 1,000 new cases a month and disposed of 900 cases during the same month, the clearance rate for that month is 90 percent. If a court's clearance rate is continually less than 100 percent over an extended period of time, the court will develop a backlog.
Clearance rates statistically tend to be more volatile when measured over shorter time periods. They should be compared over a period of five or more years to identify trends. There are many factors that can affect a court's clearance rate, including the number of filings, judicial assignment practices, case management resources and practices, trial rates, and reporting errors. Court managers may want to investigate these factors to identify the source(s) of a questionable clearance rate point or trend.
- Traffic data is not included in calculations.
- Fiscal Years 2009-10 to 2022-23 were extracted from a static data base and represent the official trial court statistics. Quarterly data for Fiscal Year 2024 were extracted from a dynamic data base and may be amended by the Clerk of Court.
- The fiscal year indicates the fiscal year end in the data. For example, FY or FYE 2016 contains dates from July 2015 - June 2016.
- The calendar year indicates the year of data in real time. For example, CY 2011 contains dates from Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2011.
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- To display percentages on Dashboard, select an option(s) from the color legend. This is located to the top right of the Dashboard screen.